Thursday, October 25, 2012

Big Firms for the Recovery


Almost all my stocks were in the green today. Performance was driven by a decrease in jobless claims which confirms a modestly growing job market, and durable goods orders increased 9.9% which is much better than the 13.3% drop in the prior month. I am not unhappy with the numbers, but the fact that stocks in general did not get much of a boost is concerning and raises doubts over the strength of this poor recovery.

I think there opportunities in strong, consistent performers for the intermediate future. My holding in Emerson (EMR) confirmed my positive view of this strategy today when it jumped 1.31% despite not having any positive news behind it. I am looking closely into investing in other powerhouse companies like Procter and Gamble (PG), CNOOC (CEO) (which I still own a few shares), and Pfizer (PFE) which will do well in a recovery of any descripion. I will just have to balance the safety of consistent performers like these with the reward and risk offered in less stable firms. 

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